What Really Happend During Quarantine?

As everyone knows, the Corona virus has taken the world by storm; closing businesses, closing schools, quarantine, social distancing, etc. Quarantine is an interesting and new concept to most of us. While it has its perks like no school, it also can be pretty terrible at times as well. I thought that it would be interesting to record my thoughts at the end of each day.
3/21– It’s been about 4 days of quarantine so far and it’s been really boring but maybe it will get better.
3/22- IM. SO. BORED. That’s it.
3/23- Today was honestly an awesome day. I went on a long hike at Trail of Tears with some friends and got to spend most of the day outside. It was pretty good weather and felt good to finally breath fresh air! I’ve also been thinking and as much as this virus is a terrible thing, it is cool to be a part of history. This will be in the history books someday and we’re literally living it right now.
3/24- It’s Tuesday I think and today has been pretty excruciating. I just want to be outside but it’s raining. The first case in Cape Girardeau was discovered today so nobody is really getting to see each other which leaves me at home and sad. I am also sad for that person and their family. I got started on my homework today too which is good I guess. On the bright side, Netflix has kept me company with some super good movies. Also, I ate a whole bag of Doritos which was good.
3/25- Today is Wednesday and it was a great day! My breakfast was very good: toast w/ peanut butter, bananas, and honey and the weather was amazing (in 70s). I went on a long walk with my dog and tonight I am going to watch Survivor with my family. Getting more time to spend with my family has been a huge plus to all of this. My guitar skills are also coming along pretty nicely. I finally have time to perfect some things that were needing my attention. Hopefully there are more days like this one as we get farther into quarantine but I’m really missing soccer season.
3/26– Today felt like summer and it was awesome. It was in the 70s again and beautiful! I ran some miles this morning which felt awesome and also played tennis for a while. All American is doing a great job keeping me occupied as well. I’m kind of missing school though which is weird.
3/27- Today was another great day! It started pretty slow which was pretty boring but this afternoon I played Frisbee golf, got to eat Jimmy Johns, and worked in our yard. Also I met a puppy named Charlie. Morale has been high with this awesome weather but I miss the friends that I’m not getting to see:( Also… schools got called off today for another week. We won’t go back until after Easter but there are rumors that we won’t go back at all this semester. It’s a weird time.
3/28- Today was very productive! I worked out this morning, watched The Hunger Games, took a shower, went on a walk, finished a book(The Scent Keeper), made brownies, had a ping pong tournament, and played Jack Box. Quarantine is helping me get a whole bunch of stuff done that I would have otherwise been to busy to get done so I am thankful for this extra time. I should probably work on some homework soon too. Hope y’all are doing well too!
3/29- Pretty decent day! I slept in pretty late today and it’s been weird not going to church on Sundays. I went hiking in Pickle Springs, with some people I loveee, today which was beautiful!
3/30- Today was boring. I want to see my friends.
3/31– Today was pretty boring again. I got some work done, went on a walk, Face Timed my grandparents in Texas, watched a movie, etc. We had loaded baked potatoes for dinner and that was delicious. I also organized my closets and tried to teach my dog a trick. I really miss playing soccer.
4/1- Not much happened today. I had a really good sandwich, watched the hunger games again, and worked on some homework. Oh! I also found an abandoned house which was pretty interesting. I watched Survivor too and Wendell was voted off but that’s okay because I really didn’t like him. It’s cool to see how many benefits this whole deal has given the world. If you’ve not heard, I suggest looking it up.
4/2- Went on a long walk with my mom today which was fun because we looked at all the different houses and talked about them/what we would change if we lived there. Also I did more homework and went on a trail run at sunset which was superrrr relaxing. I’m getting used to quarantine and having all of this time. It’ll be very hard to go back to my regular, busy life once all of this is over.
4/3- Today I explored the abandoned house that I found on my walk earlier this week. That was cool. Also had hamburgers for dinner and they were super good. I don’t want to go back to school this year, but they haven’t called it off any further yet.
4/4- Not much happened today. My family and I went on a 4 mi hike in Apple Creek and I watched a ton of van life videos on YouTube.
4/5- Today was amazing! We went to our farm in Illinois where we went on a huge hike, went fishing, went four-wheeling, and had a bonfire! Today was SO FUN.
What are you all up to during this time? I know, at least for me, it was very hard to get used to all of this downtime but it has ended up being a huge blessing. This is definitely a different time!