How To: Stick To Your New Year Resolutions


Let’s be honest, you aren’t sticking to your New Year Resolutions anymore. That is if you made any. But your resolutions are good! There’s no need to abandon them! Here are a few tips and tricks to keep the ball rolling and to not fall off the wagon.

Be specific

When making your goal you have to be specific. If you make it to broad, like “Eat healthier,” it is more likely that you won’t stick to your resolution. Instead, have a very exact goal to reach, like “Eat two vegetables and to fruits a day.” Write it down and put it somewhere you go every day, like your bathroom mirror, so you don’t forget.

Take it one step at a time

It never does anyone any good to dive into something head first. Create a detailed plan that you can follow. You plan can be as short or as long as you like, just make sure that you can stick to it.

Get support

Tell your friends and family! They can help you stay on top of things. Ask those who will encourage you and support you with your goals. It’s good to have other people’s feedback and advice to help keep you going.

Make sure this is something you should be doing

For example, if you want to lose weight, make sure it’s okay that you can. You might be the perfect weight for your height, completely healthy. You don’t want to make a goal to lose weight, do so, and be underweight and unhealthy.

Don’t beat yourself up about it

You shouldn’t stress about your resolutions. It’s okay if you mess up. Don’t worry if you missed a day of your work out or forgot to write in your journal. Just take a breath and get back on track.

Plan a reward

It’s so much easier to get yourself motivated when you have an incentive. At important milestones, with your goal, you should have a special treat for yourself. Whether it’s a new sweater or even a bowl of ice cream, it’s up to you.

Don’t give up!

It’s simple as that! Keep trying and believe in yourself.


New Year resolutions are a great way to evaluate yourself and then improve. Don’t let this great opportunity pass you by 🙂