How To: Have Enough Energy When You Don’t Have Enough Sleep
Nowadays it seems like there is no way to get the proper amount of sleep. As a result, people become tired and fatigued, making them lack motivation. However, there are easy and non-timeconsuming ways to boost energy and getting people feeling a whole lot better.
Drink Water
Despite what you think, energy drinks and coffee don’t help that much when you’re tired. It will give a tiny boost of energy and then cause a crashing, making people more tired than before. Water is much more healthy and can keep bodies hydrated.
Eat a healthy snack
Eating a healthy piece of fruit or some almonds can boost your energy and curb your hunger. A large meal or big snack is not recommended because it takes quite a bit of energy to digest all the food.
Move around
Movement can help get your blood pumping and wake your body up. Full workouts aren’t always mandatory. There are small exercises like walking or stretching that are very effective.
Take A Cold Shower
Like moving around, a cold shower helps with blood circulation. A hot shower will cause drowsiness. If it’s the middle of the day, a cold cloth to the face or neck can help wake you up.
With these four ways to get more energy, you won’t even notice how tired you are. 🙂

Favorite Quote: "One can never have enough socks." -Albus Dumbledore
Favorite Food: Chicken Pot Pie
Fun Fact: Hannah has always wanted to learn how to play the accordion.