A Message From the Editor
Hello, everyone. This is Tyler Sikes talking. For those that are wondering, I am one of the co-editors of The Tiger at Cape Central High, and I thought I’d give a few words. For those that don’t know who I am, I am a Senior at Central and also a student at the Cape Girardeau Career and Technology Center, but nonetheless, let’s get into the reason why I am doing this little recording in the first place, and that’s to share my thoughts on the whole situation we as a nation are currently facing. This is most likely going to get sad, but it’s news.
So, as everyone is aware, we are homebound. School shut down March 17th and is supposedly opening back up April 6th, but we don’t entirely know how this situation is going to drive through these next few days, weeks, or even months. So how are we affected? Well, speaking on behalf of the Class of 2020, this honestly hurts. So many of us are in spring sports or in some activity, and this pandemic has robbed us of making memories.
Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen, you all have at least another year or more to make memories, but for us Seniors, this is it. We don’t get another year of high school. I know you all have been seeing posts on social media, saying close to the same wording, but this is very true. I’m not just speaking for my Class at Central, I’m talking about every senior, nationwide, is being affected. So underclassmen, please, make your years count. You don’t know when it may be your last day.
This is where it’s going to get personal. First off, I want to thank my coaches for an incredible season while they lasted. Coach Logan Bollinger and Coach Collin Sheridan of Cross Country, thank you for making my final year of Cross Country something I am proud to say I was a part of. This season, I broke my all-around personal record at the SEMO Conference and even received my first ever High School Cross Country Medal at that same race. To all of my teammates, you all are family to me. Even though some of you all got on my nerves from time to time, you’re still family to me.
Coach Ronald Coleman, Coach Clayton Collier, and Coach Aaron Ross of Central Wrestling, I know I abruptly ended my season fairly early, but for the time I was a part of the team, I want to thank you all for the memories I was able to make. Especially calling back to the Marion Quad where I practically mentally broke my opponent and won the match in overtime. That is truly a moment I will never let go. To the team, I’m sorry I left you all. I personally was struggling with issues and couldn’t continue.
Coach Rushen of Track and Field, Pole Vaulting, I know you just met me this season, but knowing I am the only Senior pole vaulter for the squad, this is incredibly difficult to talk about. I have only been a part of Track and Field since my Junior year, so I don’t entirely have a lot of experience under my wing, but I do have some experience.
Now, to academics/extra-curricular. Mrs. Linda Davis of Choir: You’ve had me as a student and a part of the choir for two years and coming up a semester. In those two years, you and I have created a bond unbelievably strong. There were days where I just was not having a good day, but you’d always find a way to cheer me up. From my first audition in men’s choir back in my Sophomore year for Central Jazz for “Run, Rudolph Run!” to just last year’s Pop Concert where I was flipping across the stage. This year, I was planning on actually planning on auditioning for a solo act in this year’s Pop Concert, and I’m still hoping for it.
Mr. Randy McWilson of Digital Media Production at the Career and Technology Center: Jesus, where do I begin? On the very first day of class, we shook hands and introduced ourselves and you told me I had one of the greatest handshakes and eye contact you ever had experienced from a student. My grip was the part I believe stunned you the most. Every day in class, our AM block just seemed to grow stronger as a family. Our class took the class motto, “Once a student…Always Family!” to heart and we held true to that motto. Thank you for even pushing me to become such a creative person and an experience I will never forget.
Mr. Micah Janzow: I can’t remember a day in class where you didn’t address me as “Spidey” or “Spider-Man”. I absolutely took that to heart, there wasn’t a day where I hated being addressed by that from you or anyone in the class, that’s how everyone knew me by. You always gave me a reason to smile in class or did something completely out of the ordinary to just lighten the mood. To ALL of my teachers that I didn’t specifically list off, thank you for this year or the years you had me in. You gave me a reason to love high school.
So, to come to a close, thank you Cape Central High for all of the memories you have given me to hold onto. From the Class of 2020, this is Tyler Sikes, signing off.

Favorite Quote: "You can't trick me anymore." - Peter Parker (Spider-Man Far From Home)
Favorite Food: Five Guys burgers
Fun Fact: Tyler is currently in progress of producing a fan film.
Anonymous • May 19, 2022 at 1:30 pm
Tyler, thank you so much for being in choir! Love and miss you BIG!
Mrs. Murphy • Mar 27, 2020 at 2:39 pm
Nice article, Tyler! I will miss seeing your smile when I’m at CHS. The Class of 2020 will always have a special place in my heart.