Friday Advisory Enrichment Classes

This is Mrs. Heider’s advisory. She has Uno as enrichment.

This is Mr.Probst Friday advisory. They are doing 3D design and printing.

This is Mrs. Ross’s Friday advisory enrichment class. They do job searching.

Mr. Hitt’s Friday advisory watches Sports Documentaries.

Mrs.Matthew’s enrichment advisory watches historical movies.

Mrs. Womack’s advisory plays chess and board games.

This is academic math support hosted by Mrs. Sebaugh.
About the Writer

Kaitlyn Melton, Journalist
This is Kaitlyn's second year as a journalist at The Tiger.
Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that is why we call it the present."
Favorite Food:
Homemade Ramen Noodles
Fun Fact: