Speech and Debate to Compete Thursday
Every student offers an interesting and unique point of view on any topic worth having an opinion on. Speech and Debate is an opportunity for students to ventilate these opinions. Not only is this club beneficial for students who love to argue, but it is also a channel for students who need to express their creative talents.
The Speech and Debate Club meet on Tuesday mornings from 7:10 to 7:25 and Thursday afternoons from 2:50 to 3:30 in Madame Crenshaw’s room, G213. They will be hosting their first competition on Thursday, November 7th.
Competitions are interesting, to say the least. Just like any sport or competition, students have to practice and be prepared for anything. Students are given the current topic for debate prior to the competition. This year’s topic is “the benefits of the United States federal governments use of offensive cyber operations outweighs the harms.” They then must prepare an argument for both the pro and con side.
Preparing an argument for both sides lets a student see both sides of the debate and form an opinion of their own. Crenshaw says, “We should be looking at both sides of the coin to be able to make our own decisions instead of being told what to think.”
The speech aspect of this club is a little more creative. A student can choose from a wide variety, ranging from poetry reading to radio speaking. Crenshaw says her favorite speech event is duet acting.
Junior, Destiny Matysik, is very enthusiastic about the club. “…I think speech and debate is a really fun club…I think people should join because we are basically family and we have so much fun together at tournaments.”
It’s not too late to join Speech and Debate. The only requirement students need is the desire to be in the club. See Mrs. Crenshaw in her classroom, G213, or email her at [email protected] for more information.
Favorite Quote:
"Better out than in I always say, aye Fiona?" -Shrek
Favorite Food:
Sesame chicken from Chans.
Fun Fact:
She has chickens. They're ruthless.