How To: Take A Mental Health Break
Do you know when your mind is being overworked? Have you become familiar with how your mental health is affected by stress? Our mental health is something that needs to be taken seriously. It is just as, if not more than, our physical health. However, when it comes to your mental health, you cannot have a cheat day or skip working out. We must constantly be maintaining and improving our mental state. Here are some signs that indicate when you need to take a break and how to do so.
When you are unable to focus on the important things in your life then it is a sure sign that you need a break. If your thoughts are consumed by unnecessary things such as drama and gossip, and that’s not okay. What you really should be focusing on is stuff like your health, school, your standards, and any relationships.
Neglecting your physical health is a sure sign of mental strain. Your mind is so stressed out and consumed by other things that you are unable to maintain your physical health and hygiene. If you are unable to exercise, unable to eat, brush your hair, or even take a shower, then that really means you need a break.
If we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out it can greatly affect us emotionally, causing us to lash out. It can cause us to act irregularly and say things we don’t mean, hurting our relationships. Because when we are so wrapped in our problems in our mind, we are blind to the harm we are causing others. It’s time to take a step back to repair our thoughts, mind, and relationships.
When your stress is physically showing it’s more than a sure sign you need a break. If you lost weight fast, have too big bags under your eyes, or even can’t sleep regularly then the stress is too much. Figure out the way your body reacts to stress so you can recognize it, understand what is happening and take a break.
Now that we know when a good time to take a break let’s figure out the best way to do so. First, we should make a plan and set some goals. A lot of the strain on your mind comes from stress. To combat it, it’s a good idea to organize your thoughts. Try and write down everything that you have to do and make up a plan for it. Make sure to use your resources and ask others for help to not overwhelm yourself.
Spending time with friends and family can help take your mind off things. They can provide a distraction and a fun time without stressing you out more. Plan some time with people who genuinely make you happy and feel better about yourself.
Relaxation is the best thing for anyone. You should find the things that calm and relax you the most. Now you don’t have to go on a vacation or leave the country, it can be something as simple as meditation, a nice meal or a nap.
Your brain needs a break just like your body. It’s more than okay to take a mental health break. 🙂

Favorite Quote: "One can never have enough socks." -Albus Dumbledore
Favorite Food: Chicken Pot Pie
Fun Fact: Hannah has always wanted to learn how to play the accordion.