Across CHS, the nearly graduated seniors have been confronted with a wave of drowsiness, laziness, and lack of motivation. This phenomenon is dubbed senioritis and is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as, “An ebbing of motivation and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades.” Senior Sawyer Koch, experiences senioritis and says, “Now that I’m a senior, I’m trying to get the year over with and go off to college, and sometimes you can get a little lazy.” Senior, Haneef Ahmad seconds this saying, “I experience senioritis because I’m not in the mood to go to school or do my assignments anymore. I now usually just turn in my assignments how they are and don’t care as much as I used to about the grade I get.”
Another root of senioritis is the stress caused by college and scholarship applications. Also, the stress caused by figuring out what to do after high school can worry many seniors as it is tough for some to plan out their future at such a young age. Senior Emily Velasquez-Rico, says her least favorite part of senior year is, “ Having to fill out a lot of forms for college, and having to know exactly what I’m going to have to do post-high school.”
Even though some parts of senior year can be stressful there are many perks of being one. Ahmad says his favorite part of being a senior is, “Knowing everyone around campus a lot more compared to when you were an underclassman and didn’t know a lot of people.” Many seniors want to cherish their last moments in high school as there are many things they will miss. Koch says he will miss participating in sports and eating with his teammates after games and practices. Vasquez-Rico says, “I will miss seeing my friends and teachers the most.”
Although it can be hard for some graduating students to leave home, many are excited about what’s to come in their future. Koch says, “I am excited about my post-high school life because I think college will be fun, and it will be fun to live in a new town.” Whether they experience senioritis or not, all seniors can agree that they have a bright future ahead of them.