Art has been a fundamental part of human culture and history, serving as a medium for expression, communication, and reflection of society’s values and beliefs. From the earliest cave paintings to contemporary installations, the evolution of art reflects the progression of human civilization. Art can be found in every corner of our life, especially in school, and what can emphasize the impact of art in a high school is a truly dedicated teacher. Mrs.Bollinger at Cape Central High School is a wonderful example of a teacher who adores art as well as her students. When asked what keeps her moving forward as an art teacher, Bollinger responds, “What inspires me now as an adult is making things for people and seeing my students’ projects come to life.” Then when asked about some challenges she has faced through her artistic career she says, “I think challenging myself to try new mediums and really take them seriously has been difficult but it’s also been rewarding.” Of course a high school art class is nothing without the students. Corran Baker, a CHS Senior in Bollinger’s class who is heavily involved in the arts, was recommended by Mrs.Bollinger herself to be interviewed. When asked when he began his artistic journey, Baker responds, “I started drawing comic books when I was two, drawing characters and stuff.” Then when asked what the importance of art is in the world he says, “Pure entertainment. Without entertainment we are all bored.” The beauty of art is that it means something different to every person you ask, so whether it’s a painting that moves you to tears, a song that lifts your spirits, or a dance performance that leaves you in awe, art has the unique ability to touch all of us around the world. In conclusion, art is a dynamic form of expression that reflects the human experience. Its meaning is ever-changing, shaped by historical context, cultural influences, and individual perspectives. Yet, at its heart, art remains a universal language that connects us, inspires us, and helps us make sense of the world around us.
The Importance of Art
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About the Contributor

Hannah Chase, Journalist
1st year journalist
Fun Fact: I’m VP of the theatre department
Favorite Food: Crab Ragoons